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Paper Everywhere.


Pages and papers were strewn throughout lower Manhattan. 


The paper surounds cars that are on fire but curiously the paper did not burn. Where did all this paper come from? Offices of the WTC? What about the file cabinets?



The dust cloud is so thick it hides the sun light. The settled dust in the street looks deep. Also on the back of the near car. Note that the cars are burning but not the paper. After the fire burns out, the cars are totally damaged but the paper remains.


How did these papers get out of their file cabinets?

Here is BIG news. In all the rubble no file cabinets were found! Well not exactly. One was found. But only one.  Here is it's picture.


Where are the file cabinets? Maybe, like the steel beams, they turned to dust freeing their papers to scatter in the wind.


More scattered papers.


End of stage 2.

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